Sunday, March 31, 2013

03-31-13 Reading- Vito Acconci

Vito Acconci - Public Space in a Private Place 1
Acconci discussed the death of public time.  Vito remembers when clocks were displayed in businesses to be seen from inside and outside the shops.  I agree with Vito Acconci that times have changed as well as time is going away.  Most public buildings or places no longer display the time. 

Vito refinish about the importance of watches.  Watches were given as specials gifts, fashion, a symbol of prestige and affordable for everyone.  Years ago you could stop just about any person ask for the time and in response there would be a flash of the watch with the time.  At a resent lecture, Glenn Shurm is owner and founder of Flux Studio located in Baltimore, Maryland spoke about how time influenced his lighting design.  He shared a story about when he was in elementary school.  Glenn was sitting in a sunny classroom and noticed how light bounced of his watch onto the wall.  This single event lit the fire of creativity for Shurm.  Glenn also spoke about light and time and how it affects his work.

Time used to be seen in open public places.  Small towns or large cities use to have time displayed in open spaces.  There is still a piece of an earlier time the St. Mary's College Library - a clock.  The clock keeps generally accurate time.  If you go to Leonardtown,  Maryland there is a large clock displayed in the town square.  Public time is rare sight.

Public time was a silent, subtle gift that was shared with the public.  We should all take a moment to grieve for the death of public time.  

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